GD Interactive
GD Interactive

GD Interactive


GD Interactive is an Edmonton web planner and developer with a far-reaching resource base, delivering quality work since 1999. Services include web design (WordPress and custom made), e-commerce, print graphics, office collateral and video.
GD Interactive
GD Interactive
GD Interactive
GD Interactive
GD Interactive

Wordpress Websites

Countless themes to reflect your business. Wide selection of plugins tailor-made for your requirements. Post publish: Do it yourself by logging into your wordpress dashboard.

Custom Websites

Starting with a blank slate using the Bootstrap library, we build understanding your requirements.


Woo Commerce: The go-to WordPress plugin. Ideal for anything you want to sell on a WordPress website.
Custom Carts: Built from scratch. Payment process uses Interac with online banking. No need for credit cards.

Splash Pages

First Impression: Start off with a presentation page to let the viewer know what to expect on the website.
Animation Or Video: Nothing too involved. Just a short animation or video to engage the viewer.

Print Graphics

From icons to billboards, we have extensive experience in all types of graphic materials. A simple approach to branding. The idea is to resonate in the mind of the viewer.

Office Collateral

Tailor-made office collateral. Invoices, quotes and more. Illustrator, Photoshop And Microsoft Word - Output to PDF.


Video embedded in your web page. We can process any video links you have to make this happen, or we can embed your supplied first generation videos directly. Full page video also available for any video format.
GD Interactive


Multiple options. Lightbox, scrolling, slideshow and more. A picture is worth a thousand words. Youtube video or similar and first generation videos as galleries. We can process any videos you have.
GD Interactive

Two Way Street

Adjustments happen. Keeping the lines of communication open is important. The focus is on putting the client’s best foot forward and giving viewers a simple and interesting experience.

Get Started

A selection of options to get things started, with the hope that you will find something that fits for you.
GD Interactive